Paroles Chanson romantique "ROM"

Couplet 1:
Tomorrow or today
Let's get out of there
A ray of hope today
Need some air

Leaving their universe
Let's get out of there
A ray of hope today
Need some air

Couplet 2 :
In the street I have seen
Different people, different things
It seems I don't belong
To the same world

These boys, these girls
Businessmen, teenagers
Feels like I'm trapped
In their world

Couplet 3 :
The rain comes down
On my little sorry face
But in a lightning you appear
Just right there

Two strangers
Many questions
But it seems we feel
Right the same

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Il y a une erreur dans le ler couplet, 2ème paragraphe: "Let's get ouf of there". Ce n'est pas "ouf" mais "out".

Laurie, klascejall.

Unknown a dit…

Bien vu!
Ça me semblait joli "let's get ouf" , non?